Lompoc Valley Medical Center
HealthcareHospitalsResidential Care / Assisted LivingUrgent Care
About Us
In 1945, the CA State Legislature enacted the ''Local Hospital Care District Law'' (California Health and Safety Code Sections 32000 et seq.) which authorized these districts to build and operate hospitals and other healthcare facilities in underserved areas and to recruit and support physicians. LVMC is subject to state policies and regulations as applied by each county. LVMC is governed by its five locally elected Board members who are answerable to the voters of the district.
The 463-square-mile district includes the city of Lompoc, Mission Hills, Mesa Oaks, Vandenberg Village, a portion of Vandenberg Air Force Base and the area east toward Buellton.
LVMC has always committed itself to improving and developing healthcare services throughout the Lompoc Valley. The healthcare needs of Lompoc's citizens have grown drastically over the years and LVMC has grown with it. Our facilities are regulated, inspected, and/or certified by a number of public and private agencies at the state and federal levels, including the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Licensing and Certification Program (L&C) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
LVMC is a founding member of The District Hospital Leadership Forum (DHLF) who represents California’s district and municipal hospital while providing expert leadership and advocacy in California and federal political realms.